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In this section subjects that you learn will be taught in an attractive and interactive ways. In Class 3 we have a 5 subjects English, Maths, Science, Environmental Studies and General Knowledge.

Learn with fun Maths
Number facts, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fraction,time facts, geometry.

Age Group:7 to 9 yrs


Learn with fun Science
Unit-1: living & non-living things, the shoot & the root, the stem & the leaf, flowers, fruits & seeds Unit-2: eating habits of animals, birds and their bodies, feet & claws of birds, nesting habits of birds Unit-3: the sense organs, the digestive system & the excretory system, the breathing system, the circulatory system, safety & first-aid Unit-4: the air, water, seasons Unit-5: the shape of the earth, rotation & revolution of the earth, the sun, the stars, the moon Unit-6: rocks & minerals, soil, types of soil, importance of soil Unit-7: environment & air pollution, water pollution, air & water pollution in villages.
Age Group:7 to 9 yrs

Learn with fun English
Unit-1: sensible sentences, parts of sentence, phrase, verbs, word puzzles Unit-2: gender, singular, plural, adjectives, adverbs, degree of comparisons Unit-3: countable & uncountable nouns articles, similar & opposites, actions collective nouns, noun stranger.
Age Group:7 to 9 yrs


Learn with fun E.V.S
Unit-1: The Earth, Continents & Oceans, Our Country India, The State of India Unit-2: Our Food, Our Clothes, Our Festivals Unit-3: Our Occupations, Villages Panchayats & Municipal Committees Unit-4: Our Metropolises, Life of the Early Man-I
Age Group:7 to 9 yrs


Learn with fun G.K
Our earth, international capitals, languages of the world, countries & currencies, wonders of the world, the superlatives, the sobriquets, india- states & capitals, union territories & capitals, languages of INDIA, highest, longest, biggest: INDIA, the famous places in INDIA , hill stations of INDIA, the famous personalities of india, nick names, trade names, analogy relationship, missing letters, proverbs, people who help us, special books, animals & their homes, homophones, name them, abbreviations, some common instruments, inventors & inventions, know yuor body, pick the champs, plants parts used as food, weather report, states of matter, young & adult, days & year, international games & sports
Age Group:7 to 9 yrs

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