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KIDS ACTIVITY center    
This section consists of CDs having Activities that you learn in schools in an attractive and interactive ways. Here we have a 5 subjects English, Maths, Science, Environmental Studies and General Knowledge.

Rs: 149/-
Rs: 149/-
Rs: 149/-
Rs: 149/-
Rs: 149/-

Evs- The family, Our Food, Our Clothes, Our Home, Our School & Classroom, Our Country & our Flag, Good Habits, Safety on The Road. Science- plants Life, Animal life, Earth Atmosphere, Natural Environment, Human Body. English- Noun, Opposite, Adjective, Verbs, Preposition.G.K.- Our Earth, My Country, Festivals, Ocuppation, Word Puzzle, Living and Non-living things, Insects, Birds, Animals, My bdy & Senses. Maths- Pre number concepts, Shapes, numerals 0-10, Addition, Substraction, nultipliction, Time & Calender, Length & Weight.
AgeGroup 5-7
Price - 149/-

Evs- Family & Our houses, Our Neighbours, joy of Festivals, Direction&Time, Communication & Transport, Earliest Discoeries, Mahatma Gandhi. Science- plants Life, Animal Kigdom, Air & Water, Materials, Matter, Universe, Human Body. English- Nouns & Verbs, Sentences, Articles, Gender, Singular & Plural, Adjective. G.K.- capitals, Word Personalities, Indian Languages, National Symbols, Important Days, Abbreviations, Human Body, World of Sports. Maths- Before & After, Greater than, Less than, Equal to, Addition & Substraction, Multiplication & Division, Indian money, Time & Calendar, Weight.
AgeGroup 6-8

Price - 149/-

Evs- Continents & Oceans, Our Country India, Our Food, Clothes, Festivals, Village Panchayats, Municipal Commitiees, Metropolises, Life of Early Man. Science- plants Life, Animal LIfe, The Human Body, Air, Water &Seasons, The Solar System, Rocks & minerals, Our Environment. English- Sensible sentences, Verbs & Phrases Gender, Singular, plural, Adjective, Adverbs, Degree Of Comparisions, Countable Uncountable Noun. G.K.- Countries & Currencies, India-state & capitals, Sobriqutes, highest, Longest, Biggest, Analogy Reletionship, Proverbs, Inventors & Inventions, Days & Year. Maths- Number Facts, Addition, Substraction, multiplication, Division, Fraction, fraction, Time Facts, Gepmetry.
AgeGroup 7-9
Price - 149/-

Evs- Mountain, Deserts & Plateau, The Climate in our Country, Our Forest & Mineral Wealth, Our Agriculture & Industries, Our Culture & Heritage, Our Government, Our Bond of Oneness. Science- Plant Life, Animal Life, The Human Body, Safety & First Aid, Air, Water & Weather, Our Universe, Matter, Force, Work & Energy. English- Questions & Statements, Collective nouns, Similar words, Verbs & Participles, Active & Passive Voices, Conjuction, Subject & Predicate. G.K.- The Earth, Universe, Famous Places in the World, Indian Constitution, Book & Authors, Truth of Science, Inventions, Mathematic Quiz, Sports Personalities. Maths- Addition & Subtraction, Multiplication & Division, Unitary Method, Decimals, Metric System, Money, Geometry, Roman Numerals.
AgeGroup 8-10

Price - 149/-

Evs- The Globe, Varied Climates, Dense Forests, Land of Hot Sands, Snow, Age of Machines, India & The United Nations, British Raj & Freedom Struggle, Gandhiji leads the Nation. Science- Plant Life, Animal Life, Rocks, Soil & Material, Human Body, Food & Health, Machine, Force, Energy, The Universe, Safety & Environment. English- Adjectives / Adverbs, Riddles, Verbs / Articles, Prepositions, Conjunction, Collective Nouns, Question Tag, Tenses in "if" sentences. G.K.- Solar System, Monuments of the World, Highest, Longest, Biggest, History of India, Languages of the world, Idioms & Abbreviations, Scientists & their Discoveries, Olympic Games. Maths- Whole Numbers & their properties, Fractions & Decimal Fractions, Brackets & the "BODMAS" Rule, Ratio & Percentage, Average & Profit & Loss, Simple Interest, Distance, Time & Speed, Area & Volume, Geometry.
AgeGroup 9-11
Price - 149/-

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